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ADDED SUGAR = ADDED RISK: Know the Dangers of Added Sugar

Unfortunately, sugar consumption is on the rise in America and across the globe. It is making us fat and many people obese, which leads to an increased risk of type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease (1).

Americans eat about 20 teaspoons of sugar a day. Average daily consumption for men: 335 calories, women: 230 calories, boys: 362 calories, girls: 282 calories (2).

What makes it worse -many people are not even aware there are consuming added sugar.

Currently, food labels do not differentiate from added sugar and naturally occurring sugar. Then once you hooked it is hard to give it up, because sugar is addicting (3).

The major sources of added sugars in American diets are regular soft drinks, sugars, candy, cakes, cookies, pies and fruit drinks; dairy desserts and milk products (ice cream, sweetened yogurt and sweetened milk); and other grains (cinnamon toast and honey-nut waffles) (4).

Changing your diet to limit added sugar can make a real impact on your health and your weight loss efforts. I discus this further in my article, "Two Things You Need To Know About Weight Loss."

This is video is about how manufactures are adding sugar to their foods. Sugar is everywhere! Most commonly packaged and processed foods. No wonder obesity has doubled since 1980.


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