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Susan sapienza Pierce certified personal trainer


Health and fitness have been a part of life from the begining.  I come from an athletic family, where my dad was a professional football player, coach and physical education teacher.  My three brothers and I grew up active and participating in sports.


Group exercise,   personal training, cardiac rehabilitation and diagnostic testing are just some of my areas of expertise.  I hold a Masters of Science from Boston University in Applied Anatomy and Physiology.  While at BU, I was a teaching assistant for Exercise Physiology, Gross Anatomy as well as Neuro-Anatomy and Physiology.  My experience goes beyond the fitness clubs and into the clinical setting of cardiac rehabilitation and diagnostic testing.  Moreover, my thesis in graduate school addressed the "Effects of Resistant Training to Improve Bone Density in Aging Populations"

I have been certified by accredited institutions such as the American Council on Exercise (ACE) as a Certified Personal Trainer, the National Strength and Conditioning Association as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and the Aerobic and Fitness Association America (AFFA) as a Certified Group Instructor.

With your willingness, great things can happen to your body, your health and your well being.  Contact me today for a free consultation.

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